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标题: Do's and Don'ts 美国红娘的相亲攻略 [打印本页]

作者: ciciaria    时间: 2011-8-24 08:05     标题: Do's and Don'ts 美国红娘的相亲攻略


上图中这位名叫Christie Nightingale,是一名在美国纽约、华盛顿、费城都有分公司的职业红娘。而且她还是个专门给百万富翁相亲的“大款红娘”。

虽然现在交友网站在美国是众多单身男女寻觅对象的主要战场,但对有钱没时间的大款来说,想找到真爱还是掏钱找这样的大款红娘比较高效率。安排了无数次相亲之后,有着10000名男女信息数据库的Christie Nightingale说,相亲的第一面是非常重要的,可以说基本决定了两人有戏与否,因此下面就是若干条她给的相亲“要/不要”攻略,我们中国人也可以参考参考:

Don’t look someone up on the Internet prior to your date and then discuss your findings. This is creepy. The reason why you are on a date is to learn about the other person; why bother if you are going to do your own investigation from behind the safe haven of your computer screen.

Do enjoy getting to know someone by directly asking questions about their life. But, you don’t have to learn or reveal everything on a first date! Keep an air of mystery flowing.

Don’t wear any old thing. First impressions are lasting impressions. This rule applies especially to the ladies. It may sound old fashioned, but the reality is that men are very visually oriented.

Do swap your pearls for sexier jewelry and change your work blouse to something more festive if you are meeting right after the office.

Don’t talk about past relationships. All too often, I get feedback that a client ruined a date by going on and on about his/her ex.

Do stick with upbeat, neutral topics especially on a first or second date.

Don’t continually talk about yourself. No one finds a Talking Head to be attractive.

Do ask questions and be attentive. You already know yourself, wouldn’t it be wise to learn about your date and find out what you have in common?

Don’t be a complainer. Some people habitually criticize the food, the wine, the weather, or life in general and are consequently perceived as negative and unpleasant.

Do monitor your attitude and if you can’t find something positive to say about a subject refrain from saying anything. Your date will also be watching how you treat other people in order to discover how you will treat them when you are not on best behavior.

Don’t shut down if you aren’t instantly attracted to your date. Chemistry is crucial to any relationship but your initial response can change—sometimes after only 15 minutes! By shutting down, you are sabotaging what could be a wonderful match.

Do remain engaged through the entire course of a date. If you meet someone who you think is a great person but “not your type,” meet them for a second, third, or fourth date. You may be surprised at the feelings that blossom.

Do be on best behavior.

Translated by JuliaD

图片附件: 2.jpg (2011-8-24 08:02, 30.26 KB) / 下载次数 34

作者: 六宝火锅    时间: 2011-8-24 08:12


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