우린 때국 형님들의 경쟁상대 아님을 일찍이 직감했다! 개정일과 어떻게든 통일해, 국제사회에 우리 위상 드 높일려고 10년을 노력했는데... 우리 위대하신 가카가 한순간에 모든걸 우주로 보내 버렸다!
앞으로 우린 때국 짱개 형님들의 밥으로 계속해서 살겠지...
역사가 판단할꺼야! 우리 가카 화이팅!
중국은 한국 영공에 인공위성 띄우고,,,
중국은 동양최초 항공모함을 만들고,,
중국은 동양에서 최고의 핵잠수함을 다량보유학도,,
중국은 북한을 흡수하여 중국도시로 만들고,,
중국은 거대자본으로 유럽과 한국정부가 팔아 제끼는 민영화되버린 기업,은행 사들이고,,
중국은 고구려역사왜곡을 통해 한반도를 중국의 아류로 세계에 천명하고,,
중국은 한글도 중국어 copy라고 하네,,
한국왕은 오늘도 나라에서 돈이 될만한것을 찾아 꼼수로 팔고,
가족들이 3대동안 먹고 살 곡식을 창고에 모아 놓기에 바쁘네
한국에 중국을 우습게 보는 인간들이 꽤 있다~ ㅉㅉ 한국보다 우주항공산업, 군수산업은 훨씬 더 발전한 나라인데 말이다.ㅉㅉ 핸드폰/자동차 등의 소비재에 특화한 한국과 대륙국으로 국방/군수/우주산업에 우선한 중국을 우습게 아는 것은 정말 웃기고 세상물정 모르는 철부지들인 것이다. ㅉㅉ
Chinese people are generally humble workers, they do not brag nor trash-talk about other people, and they do hold a positive outlook for the U.S.
Why can't we congratulate them and let's live on this planet together?
It is incredible that one country is going alone in exploring the universe, with the kind of program that has been participated with almost all the developed countries. It is unprecedented, considering 30 years ago, the country was dirt poor. No other country on the earth can replicate the progress China has made.
While China is rising, U.S. military spending has been rising too (all in billion $$$), thanks to George W Bush:
Dont you mean Obama? Bush has been out of office for over 2 years, and they keep blaming Bush for things Obama is responsible for
Congratulations to the Chinese! Wanting and trying to bring someone down in the false belief that it will lift us is the trademark of immature people. Grow up!
First of all congratulation to the Chinese accomplishment in space.
To sum up the difference-
Chinese and China strive for nation's pride, prestige, and accomplishment.
Americans and US strive for everyman/woman for him/herself and material self indulgence. NO nation's pride and prestige.
BTW everyone in the US with money to spend try to outdo each other.
"Oh yeah, China, you are so cool, good job and I give you a sweet kiss......" said iTalon
Oh yeah~中国你太酷了,干得好,我得狠狠亲你一口~
Keep so many chinese chink in US is more harm than good. chinese chink go home if you're so proud of your china thief.
"We call that "Design and System Integration" ---I will invite you to our Celebrations Party tonight, yeah every night if you wish,,,.haha..oh yeah...by the way, I love me, US, and China! ..no hard feelings .....yeah... im PROUD Of MY honey China...oh yeah!.." iTalon said.
Avoice has extreme hatred for chinese, typical whites don't have such extreme views. Avoice is some kind of insecure minority. pathetic.
no one ever done unmanned coupling, China will be the first EVER !
Russia does this also
zhigang • Framingham, United States • 2 hours ago
Japan did one a few years ago
In 1963 Kennedy put a goal in place to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. We beat that goal. I am 60 years old and that is the only long term goal I can think of that we have made, while in China, a goal oriented country, is beating us to a pulp economically and eventually in space. I am proud of China, I am ashamed of my own country for losing our ability to plan for our future.
We are all God's children, when we are not careful, God will pinch us whoever we are. China was just pinched a few decades earlier and the US is being pinched now.
Well done China, well done. Keep up the good work for the progress of humanity. Congratulations.
worked along side of many many chinese people for almost 27 years. They are the most deceitful, liars and two faced people i have ever come to know. Not once,not once i heard the truth from any one of them. They may seem sincere and honest but that is what cheats you. They will show you what you want to see and to know but their real intentions are 180 degrees different form what they show. Very dishonest people. Appalling.
(Comment hidden due to low rating.)
we will see these coming more and more. West started Industrial revolution, while East Asia is catching up. East Asia, including China, Koea, Japan, is the most hardworking and intelligent (google IQ map image), it is only the matter of time they surpass West on technology. check the math test score in any of US high school, which race is highest? not white.
My take-away from this story is that China is relentlessly advancing, while we're giving up on anything that doesn't make a big profit for a few big shots. They have a government that wants to advance their country, we have one that instead wants to advance wealthy individuals at the expense of the rest. Advancement vs. greed. Sad, very sad.
The long term future of Mankind lies withthe exploration and eventual colonisation of space. There are more immediatespin offs from scientific advancements arising from space research.
Any country not investing a major portionof its science research budget on space exploration may find itself regrettingthe short term thinking decisions in a few decades.
so this is where all our chineese aid moneyhas end up
这样一来,我们对中国的援助可以停止了吧。(好吧。。我也不知道英国对中国也援助了- -)
Reference Post 1 - I have to agree withthis comment. The question of cyber attacks from China on western interests mustalso not be forgotten. I trust the Chinese as much as I trust Putin's Russiangovernment
Having said that, Space Research isimportant and I feel ashamed that the UK does not participate in thisnecessary part of Human development as much as it should.
China, Indiaand others are the future. We had our chance and blew it. China has grown remarkably frompost colonial poverty to the worlds richest nation and we should be decentenough to respect their efforts. All emerging economies have inequalities whichwill doubtless be resolved in time, let's just be glad someone is stillexploring space at all.
if Chinaand Indiaare the future then god help the rest of us! they don't have one iota ofinnovation between them - they just copy the development of others often usinginferior materials/technology. and i have first hand experience ofmanufacturing in both countries!!
I do wish countries would get cheaperhobbies, and spend their surplus cash on improving lives of their people on theground.
GDP per capita in China is not the highest in theWorld it actually ranks 91st! The UK ranks 22nd which is high for anon oil or natural resource rich Country. Average incomes in the UK are 5 times that of China
china may well have stolen their tech butis that not true for the foundations of the american space programme. if theyhadn't have taken all those nazi scientists to the states would americahave gotten to the moon when they did?
This is a great point, they both have spaceprogrammes that are basically a power trip rather than science but yet the UK gives india (for example) £280m a year in aid. How much of this getsto the people???
have to laugh at comments 1 and 4. Theybasically described what is also happening in our own Western World. Comment 1- changing the numbers to suit your aim. Bad touch. Comment 4 - We do thatourselves, are we exempt from morality in your point of view? China is goingto space. Deal with it.
they don't have one iota of innovationbetween them - they just copy the development of others often using inferiormaterials/technology.
I've spent 20 years working with US basedtechnology developers in and around the Internet. China'stechnology might have it's origins in a copy/price mentality, but today itsinnovation more than matches that of the US.
I hear people say "They spend all thismoney on space, but what about the poor ?", but the money doesn'tphysically get flown into space and disappear. It goes to the workers who makethe parts or supply the services etc. They pay tax and buy things (they give itto other people)
I'm all for going into space, and morecountries doing so, but if they all continuing adding to the junk up thereit'll be off limits to all. We need to start cleaning up our orbital dumpingground.
Well I find this very exciting! Two spacestations! I can't pretend to know what each country gets from their spacescience experiments but I'm pretty sure it's much more than just an ego trip assuggested by some comments.
It's nice to see China doing something productivewith our money, rather than loaning it back to us.... Human space flight shouldnot be limited to two nations....Good luck to them....
I know I just write comments may let my brothers feel offended or annoyed, but many of us know a fact: we are far behind china. Only admit defeat, to find the location, will be more efforts to improve themselves, so to some extent I am very glad to have a such Chinese neighbors, let us find their deficiencies, to compete, imperceptibly enhance their. I think, if there is no such Chinese neighbors, we may not see the development and achievements of India now. Our country's politicians are corrupt, greedy, selfish, they never care about the national life and death. If there is no Chinese, may even not to proceed to satisfy national basic survival needs reform. We should also be careful the United States to use India to contain China's rise conspiracy. The United States of America from Asia, regardless of whether you accept, China now, in the future, will always be our neighbors. Therefore, to maintain friendly relations with China, and even each other cooperation conforms to the common interests. Although the so-called democracy and free state of our colonial and existence of Chinese border dispute, I believe that in the future we will restore the thousands of years of friendship with china. Because of the political problem, there is no eternal friendship, only eternal interests, so the near future and Chinese restore friendly relations is very likely. I would like to once again stressed the nineteen eighties and 90's, the United States using the same means stop us and Russia jointly developed cryogenic engine technology. Today, we have yet to master the key technology, and the United States, Russia, China, Japan and France in a few decades ago already know this. Thus, we see that the United States did not stand in our side, our country seek interest, they will only for our manufacturing problems. I wish I had more Asians admitted that this problem exists, like westerners, mutual cooperation, common development.
You are right, Indian brother. China was, is and will always be the friend of India. Most of chinese have religion that is originated in India, namely Buddhism. To be friends, people should believe in each other.
Looks like a wolf dressed in sheep skin....However, if you spoke out from your heart, then you are just a small minority of 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 of Indians
Our ISRO is much more advanced than the Chinese Space Agencies. We have latest technologies where China is still using old and outdated ones. We are ahead and if not, on par with US and still above the Chinese. Indians can dock on Mars as of now except we don't have that aspirations right now. Maybe later. Jai Hind. Bharaat matar ki jai
sourgrapes...continue to defecate in the open streets dude and clean up with a pot of holy water by bare hands.
you are an TOI news fed idiot. know nothing, think you know everything. US crazy Indians are damaging India's progress.
Besides a lot of good mechanical engineering this docking procedure was done automatically and not remotely controlled from base. This indicates the high level of programming sophistication on the part of the space laboratory's engineers. Expect the Chinese space programme to pick up pace going forward.
I hope India completes its own original docking before commenting the CHina's docking as stolen ...
In the DRUDGE Report yesterday there was an article of Chinese hackers , hacking into the Lawrence Livermore lab and other advanced US research centers. Add to this the many scandals of Chinese Scientists caught in the USA of spying and the fact that China became a nuclear power because of the nuclear knowledge that The Soviet Union gave to her and one can come to the conclusion that this latest space adventure is founded on stolen technology. China obviously believes in the old notion that "the ends justify the means" Since the world has consistently given China the pass of such transgressions maybe it is time for other neighboring nations like India to follow suite.
Why is US still begging China, the biggest theif on earth, to buy US cheap and undervalued debts and Treasury Bonds. Sadly beggars still want to be choosers. ha, ha, ha...get a life.
I have been living in china for more then 5 years. As a Indian I also like to see my nation as a great nation but its only the hope. Many people give comment here at TOI as a hatred,saying Chinese goods are cheap, low quality and so on. But in reality its not. They hasn't come here and see. You only read from news paper and some other articles which is written by Indian or western only. So let try to know the reality and learn something from them. Hope we can build a better nation one day for our coming kids.
我在中国住了5年多。作为印度人,我也很希望看到我的祖国成为一个伟大的国家,但那只是一个希望。很多在《印度时报》发表评论的人,对中国带有仇恨情绪,说中国商品廉价,质量低下等等,但事实并非如此。你们没有来过这里,自己看看,只是从西方人或者印度人写的报纸或者文章来了解这个国家。因此,让我们试着了解事实,从中学习。期盼有一天我们能为下一代建设一个更好的国家。作者: 六宝火锅 时间: 2011-11-4 10:56
补充德国淫民的 翻译质量请浮云
出自 Tagesschau
herzlichen glückwunsch... ans reich der mitte. und weiterhin viel glück.
衷心祝贺中国 望好运~
wenn jetzt auch noch die Verarbeitungsqualität stimmt steht der Reise zum Mond und zurück nichts mehr im Wege ;-)
1,3 Milliarden Menschen im Aufwind, durch nichts ist Hunger nach mehr Wohlstand und Macht aufzuhalten. Wie lange noch die Interessen des Staates vor denen der Bürger weiterhin forciert werden kann ist die Frage. Die einzelne Person hat sich klar den Zielen des Staates zu beugen, aber ist es bei uns nicht auch anders?
啥都阻止不了13亿人民对温饱和权力的渴求, 政府还要继续剥夺人民利益多久是个问题。个人必须服从集体(政府),但我们这边又和其有何区别呢?
und die bekommen von Deutschland Entwicklungshilfe,ich lach mich kaputt.Wir werden nur verarscht