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标题: Announcement:大华盛顿爱修基督教会 第一次主日敬拜 [打印本页]

作者: WenLiu    时间: 2011-11-10 17:41     标题: Announcement:大华盛顿爱修基督教会 第一次主日敬拜


地址:2001 East Randolph Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904

刘文 牧师

Great Celebration for the First Sunday Worship of Greater Washington Agape Christian Church: 10:00am on November 13, 2011.

Greater Washington Agape Christian Church is a full gospel church. It is a newly established and the most inspiring church. We teach a practical, easy-to-follow program that can help you change your life and achieve great new success. You can overcome feelings of inadequacy and develop your own possibilities.  We believe all things are possible to those who believe. As a man thinks, so he is.

On Sunday, November 13, 2011, at 10:00 A.M., the first service will be help in Silver Spring.
Welcome you and your family and your friends to our Sunday Worship.

Worship Time: 10:00am, Nov 13, 2011
Church address:
2001 East Randolph Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904
Worship in the Young Adult Room.


May God richly bless you
Rev. Wen Liu

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