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标题: 原来美国的医生和医药销售代表也这么黑 [打印本页]

作者: 多伦多短刀客    时间: 2012-9-23 11:31     标题: 原来美国的医生和医药销售代表也这么黑

本帖最后由 多伦多短刀客 于 2012-9-23 11:36 编辑

Conspiracy Exposed!
    The #1 Cause of Chronic Illness and Death, That Big Pharma Prays You Never Find Out About...

    And Why 99% of Doctors Pretend It Doesn't Even Exist!
Re: Ending the Reign of Government and Corporate Mind Control, to Free
Yourself From Chronic Illness and Live the Long Healthy Life You Deserve.

Dear Friend,

Right up front I want to say... this letter might not be for you. If you're completely content with how Big Pharma and the Government are running our healthcare system at a huge profit  to themselves and an even larger deficit to the very people it's supposed to be helping... one lie after another.

Don't read another word of this letter. Put it down and walk away, confident in your choice to keep the blindfold over your eyes.

However, if you're one of the brave, the frustrated, ready to rip off that blindfold and pull up the curtain on just how "sick" our "healthcare" system has become... read on.

Once you begin to learn the statistics and educate yourself it becomes immediately clear just how broken our current system of "healthcare" actually is. Unfortunately if you remain uneducated, and oblivious.. then you, your family and your friends are standing in line to become the next victims in their cross-hairs.

Before I go on and reveal the  shocking #1 Secret Killer that I spoke of, and how it'sdirectly accelerating,  everything from heart disease, risk of stroke, memory loss, weight gain, hardening of the arteries, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, diabetes and many other diseases just building up in your body waiting for a breakdown... consider the following facts:

    $2.3 TRILLION Dollars Were Spent Last Year to Maintain Our So Called "Healthcare" System.
    No Other Country In The World Even Comes Close, Yet... The Brutal Truth Is That We're 49th In The World For Quality of Care.
You think that's startling, wait until you read the following statistics:

Fact #2: In a ranking of 8 developed countries, the United States came in deal last in the years of potential life lost to circulatory disease, respiratory disease and diabetes, and had the second highest desth rates from bronchitis, asthma and emphysema.  

Fact #3:  America's obesity rate is the worst in the world, and is a major predictor of future illness. A new study at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public health revealed that 75% of Americans will be overweight and a staggering 41% obese by the year 2015. Only 3 years from NOW.

Let me ask you this.

"Would You Take Medical Advice From Your Local Pharmaceutical Rep?"

Would you? If you're a right thinking person, of course you wouldn't!

But you know who does?

Your doctor.

It's scary but true. In fact, an independent study actually surveyed how medical doctors choose what medications to pass onto their patients.            
            70% said the main factor was: Whichever sales rep can get through the gatekeeper and gain access to them.

That's a pretty frightening statistic if you ask me.

And when asked directly how they gain access, one rep actually confessed that "the secret is to find out the doctors favorite wine and deliver it."
Now, I'm not suggesting that ALL our doctors are bad people. Most of them are
simply too deep in the system to realize that they're doing anything wrong, or not trying to care for their patients.

But it's NO Wonder you're not being given the REAL TRUTH about how you can live a long and Healthy Life...

Because We've Let Big Pharmaceutical Companies Take The Wheel & Drive Our Healthcare Industry While We're Medicated In the Back SEAT!
    And while we're napping, their "research departments" are hard at work designing medications for every organ and disease you can think of, and then using the BULK of their budgets to put these new "miracle drugs" on television... so you can go and ask your doctor for them.

It's a completely "re-active" system. None of these companies are staying up late burning the midnight oil to try and find a way to PREVENT disease. Nope.

That's because they're not really in the healthcare industry. They're in the "sickness" industry. Without disease and sickness... they don't have a business.

All they're doing is giving you a band-aid to try and stop the bleeding once the disease isalready there.

Making YOU the victim.
Think about it like this:

There's a huge storm, and your neighborhood is about to flood. First you try to grab on to any precious things that you think you can take with you. Then you realize it's too late for that and you scramble to get onto your roof.

Suddenly along comes someone in a row boat.
You're SAVED! Hurray!

But... you just lost everything that was ever worth anything to you.

Your house, your car, your possessions. But the government is convinced that they did you a favor!

They sent you a rowboat. You're alive, congratulations.

That's the way our Healthcare System is currently run. Not only that, you'll likely get a bill in the mail to help cover the costs the government incurred sending out that rowboat.

That's some favor.

But what if I told you that there was a way to be prepared for that hypothetical flood?

So well prepared, in fact, that you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home while the storm rages around you...

Here's what our Longevity Expert, Dr. Richard Linchitz says about all of these diseases that are flooding our hospitals and doctors offices with sick patients:

"We know that these diseases start far earlier, and at a cellular level, well before any of the warning signs or symptoms are even visible."

He goes on to say "We not only know that aging and the progression of disease can be slowed, but that so much of the damage can be halted and even undone. This is because scientists have finally zeroed in on the real reasons we age. And they now know why our bodies become so vulnerable to major killers like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer."

            This means that if you take an entirely different approach toward your health you can practically escape disease and illness as you age!

And there IS a solution.

However, before I share that with you, let's take a quick look at the REAL problem that we're facing, the cause of all this disease:

Free radicals and toxins in your blood, erode cells, speed aging and inviting illness.

Here's how this breaks down:

1: Cells become poisoned by radicals and toxins: Your cells are under attack each and every day from free radicals and toxins. They invade your system in everything from processed, high fat foods, everyday household chemicals, exposure to sun, pollution, ozone and high stress.

When they get inside your body they wreak havoc to the DNA in your cells, causing them to break down and lose their ability to reproduce themselves accurately. Imagine it like this:

You make a photo-copy, and instead of using the original to make your next copy, you use the copied page to reproduce it. You know what happens next, that copy looks just a little worse than your original... do this enough times and vital, important pieces of your original are lost.

This is exactly what's happening at a cellular level in your body when those free radicals and toxins attack your DNA. When it happens, that vital, important information that's lost in the process leads directly to accelerated aging and disease.

The second thing that's happening is:

#2: Your Cells are Starving to Death: That's right. Just like your body, your cells need the proper nutrition to live and thrive. When your cells don't get enough nutrients like Omega-3's or essential Vitamin D, they literally begin to shrivel up and die off, starving for the life giving nutrition they need. This is the second factor that accelerates aging and disease in your body.

The combined result of these two things is the big secret...

This is the HUGE Secret that Doctors aren't even willing to talk about, let alone address:
       #3: Inflammation. A growing mountain of evidence points directly to inflammation as the MOST insidious cause of premature aging in your body, AND is a factor in every single major disease!

That's correct, when your body's normal inflammation response goes haywire and runs off the tracks, your body releases wave after wave of damaging enzymes throughout your body causing everything from cell damage and even cell death.

These three factors are working in the background RIGHT NOW inside your body causing serious damage and disease... and yet, no one is talking about "Inflammation"

Inflammation Must Be Recognized And
Dealt With Immediately!

When we discovered, that inflammation was simply not a part of "main stream medicine's" conversation about disease and illness in every part of the body, we knew that we had to get the message out there.
The litany of issues that point directly back to inflammation are so overwhelming that it's almost hard to believe, just take a look:

Problems losing weight? Did you know that inflammation stops (what goes here?) and can actually lead to fat your fat cells being "fatter"

High blood pressure, heart health concerns, or arteriosclerosis? This report will show you how to lower your fibrinogen level. A lower fibrinogen level mean's there's LESS INFLAMMATION in your body. This one benefit alone can have dramatic effects on your circulation and heart health!

Too much "bad" cholesterol? Get your LDL's under control FAST and without medications. You're probably under the impression that "LDL" is the "bad" cholesterol responsible for your ills, but that's not entirely accurate. You see, the real culprit is NOT LDL itself. It's the oxidation of it. When free radicals enter your body and oxidize the LDL, only then does it become dangerous to your health. This oxidized LDL becomes sticky and when it gets into your blood stream it forms clumps that adhere to your artery walls... that's when you become at risk.

Guess what? People who have high cholesterol AND maintain high levels of antioxidants have FAR less risk of heart trouble than people with low antioxidant levels. In fact, research has shown that more than half of heart attack victims have normal levels of cholesterol at the time of their heart attack!

Memory problems, fears of Cognitive Decline? Are you one of the people that's been convinced that losing your mental edge was "just a part of normal aging" like most other people, including doctors and leading research experts? Not true.

As it turns out... conventional wisdom was wrong again. Your brain is made up of tons of fatty tissues, billions of nerve cells and other structures that are extremely vulnerable to damaging free radical build up and inflammation! Both of which are direct causesof mental decline and memory loss!

The single best solution? Feed your brain heavy-duty antioxidants! But it's not as simple as you might think. In this report we're going to spell out for you the exact foods and nutrients that you need to flood your body with the perfect combination of natural antioxidants!

What about vision problems? Yes, even vision problems are directly related to the degeneration of your cells caused by inflammation. Here's an alarming fact: About 1.75 million Americans have advanced age-related macular degeneration with associated vision loss - that number is expected to grow to almost 3 million by 2020! It's often called AMD or ARMD, and is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness in American's age 65 or older!

Fatigue and poor sleep sapping your energy? If you're constantly feeling tired, or fatigued... that's a CLEAR indication that your body is trying to tell you something, and that message is this: your cells are in an energy crisis!

All the free radical damage that's poisoning your cells are also attacking the heart of your cells energy factories, your mitochondria. These mighty little engines convert the nutrients you consume into energy that fuels, literally, every system in your body. When toxins and free radicals attack them and break them down on the cellular level, your energy levels plummet and fatigue sets in. 

But you know what? By reducing inflammation you instantly improve the function of these little guys right on the cellular level, removing toxicity and giving you a big boost of energy that lasts all day long.
    Are you suffering from chronic pain? Back pain, joint pain, fibromyalgia, or just general "aches and pains" It's ALL related to inflammation. The pain running rampant in your body and causing you to not be able to do the things you used to do is once again caused by these same free radicals and toxins.

But more importantly, constant pain actually causes extreme stress which can raise your cortisol levels and throw your entire body out of whack, which speeds up the aging process even more. Many doctors will try to prescribe you a "pain management" regimen that includes strong medications that only mask the problems without ever dealing with the source.

Even Arthritis pain can be alleviated by blocking the production of an enzyme in the body caused by free radicals that literally attacks and destroys the cartilage in your body, one of the many inflammatory enzyme types that are keys to ongoing, chronic pain.
    Pain won't go away? There's an enzyme to blame!

Current research has shown us that there are seven different types of inflammatory enzymes in your body, including the main pain causing enzyme, COX-2.

Even while COX-2 is relatively well known, research has shown that another enzyme 5-LOX is actually to blame for more discomfort. Inside this report you're going to learn about each and every enzyme and how to conquer them very simply.

Here's the kicker. Most people will experience many of these symptoms and illnesses and go to their doctor for treatment.

Most doctors will then prescribe a different medication or drug for every single one of these symptoms without ever addressing the underlying cause of them ALL... Inflammation.

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