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标题: [基础分析] A gold and gold mine stock discussion [打印本页]

作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-12 00:00     标题: A gold and gold mine stock discussion

The Fallacy Of Owning Gold Mining Equities
November 21, 2012 Brennan Basnicki
Ample research supports the notion that the addition of gold and other commodities to one's portfolio produces a higher efficient frontier -- or more plainly stated, a higher expected return with lower risk. Unfortunately, many portfolios have been constructed to include commodity exposure through the inclusion of commodity-related equities, especially with gold. While this approach may have worked at lower gold prices, it has failed since early 2011, when gold traded above $1400. Not only has this approach failed, but gold miners have been one of the poorest performing sectors. The failure of this approach of portfolio optimization is most easily seen through the following charts:

    The first chart shows how poorly gold miners (GDX) and junior gold miners (GDXJ) have performed compared to gold (GLD). Note that while gold is up over 25%, junior gold miners are down 45%:
    The idea that one can gain exposure to gold through mining companies clearly has not held. A look at the correlation between the miners and gold shows the failure of this historic relationship. The below chart shows the correlation over the last 20, 50, and 100 weeks between gold and gold miners. Note that while although the correlation remains high over the shortest (20 week) period, over the long term (100 weeks), the correlation has trended to zero:
    The case is even worse for the junior gold miners ETF. The correlation moved into negative territory:

Why has this relationship changed? I don't have the answer to that, but one potential source of the discrepancy is that as gold reached historical highs at the end of 2010, mining companies may have increased hedging activities. This would obviously limit their ability to participate in any gold appreciation above that level ($1400).
The eccentric hedge fun manager Hugh Hendry makes a different argument for further weakness in gold mining stocks, having stated that:
"There is no rationale for owning gold mining equities. It is as close as you get to insanity. The risk premium goes up when the gold price goes up. Societies are more envious of your gold at $3000 than at $300. And there is no valuation argument that protects you against the risk of confiscation."
Basically, the more expensive gold is, the higher the probability that gold mines will be nationalized. This leads to a higher risk premium required for gold miners and accordingly, a lower stock price when completing any sort of fundamental valuation.
The paradox is that if nationalization continues, the market ends up with less supply: a public government will not be nearly as efficient as a private company. Less supply means higher prices and accordingly, a higher probability of further nationalization. And while nationalization may only be possible in developing countries, higher tax rates or government royalties are equally likely in developed countries. Recent examples of such actions include the ongoing dispute over Kyrgyzstan's gold and Venezuela's move to nationalize gold just over a year ago.
While I'm sure there may be evidence to counter this argument, the failure of miners to participate in gold's appreciation above $1400 does support this. I am not an expert in gold, however, I have spent significant time studying technical analysis. One thing you learn early in technical analysis -- and probably one of the most important rules is that "the trend is your friend" -- simply implying that you always want to position yourself alongside the trend. Well, the trend has been towards less and less correlation and underperformance for gold miners. Hendry himself is long gold and short gold miners. Until new evidence is available of a change in this relationship, it is likely that the current trend will persist.
To return to portfolio management, it should be clear at this point that the addition of gold-related equities does not raise the efficient frontier (higher return with lower risk). One should look at allocating a portion of their portfolio to outright gold exposure, either in the form of a gold ETF such as GLD, or even physical ownership.
It looks like Goldmember had it right in the 2002 "Austin Powers" movie, when he rather enthusiastically stated, "I love Goldddd." Interestingly enough, gold was under $300/ounce back then, and 2002 marked the breakout of the 10-year secular bull trend gold remains in today.
作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-12 00:01

本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2012-12-12 00:25 编辑

The above article is toally against owning gold miner stocks. Here is a chart which support his opinions made by myself, since it is clearer than his.


3 year weekly chart

图片附件: gdx.jpg (2012-12-12 00:01, 53.56 KB) / 下载次数 31

作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-12 00:02

Here are some opinions disagree with him:

Morrison International Acco... Comments (135)

I think its just my view of economics, let me explain quickly.

From a supply and demand view, gold is basically the highest demanded by far and the supply is melting, literally, all of the jewelry, teeth, spoons and such into gold and that has held the price low I believe. As it increases it meets a multiple of resistance. I am trying to say that basically if it goes up 10% it will have a much larger correction force (the bringing of more supply I guess) from traders ringing the register and if it went to 11% it would increase even more than the 9%-10% move. But once the gold starts getting hoarded, and it will, the supply multiple will decrease and decrease. The rising of the price causes panic and people buy gold, the last of the un-serious investors ring out and gold will be owned by foreign central banks, financial institutions, the IMF, hedge funds, mutual funds, federal governments, smart state treasuries, large dollar jewelry makers will face a liquidity trap, as banks will freeze lines of credit and those without cash to buy enough to keep their operations at break even through the high price period fall apart. This is just a small theory of mine after watching all the we buy gold people.

Now that is simply one part, part 2 is simply inflation. Gold is very correlated with inflation and the fear of inflation. If either go up than gold takes off. Let the CPI report the actual inflation rate (I think its been about 4% yoy past 4 years) and watch gold take off from 1700 to 2000 overnight. The five largest currencies in the world have basically said they will devalue their currency before you can devalue yours. If one guy wants to devalue his currency it disrupts the valuation of its pairs. America was fast and put a ton of money out there. Now the others are trying to catch up. The fed wants this money to slowly seep back into the real economy from banks balance sheets into growth & acquisition, start up, auto and capital goods loans. These loans have higher risk and that's something banks cannot take with BASEL 3 making all but Wells Fargo worried.

part 3 is about political craziness. I wrote a good comment on that earlier. Please go to my profile and look on my comments for that if you would like.

Thanks, Mike.

作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-12 00:03

本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2012-12-12 00:25 编辑

A daily chart of GDX, with GFI/ABX on the chart, GFI/ABX are obviously beat harder than GDX


1 year daily chart

图片附件: gdx_daily.jpg (2012-12-12 00:03, 49.65 KB) / 下载次数 31

作者: swing2    时间: 2012-12-12 00:15

Paulson拥有太多金矿股。自从上次危机他大赚华尔街,之后他做什么股几乎都被华尔街拆台。比如bac, bsx.
作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-12 00:20




  黄金矿业类股的表现一直落后黄金本身,黄金投资的普及,尤其是最大的黄金ETF之一SPDR Gold Trust“已经使得人人可以持有黄金”,这样就削弱了矿业公司股票在散户和机构投资者眼中的魅力。

作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-12 00:21

2012-12-10 22:16:02

導讀:MarketWatch專欄作家高德(Howard Gold)認為,黃金牛市很可能已經進入倒計時了,但是今年歐洲和美國的寬鬆政策又讓局面增加了額外的變數。






可是,與此同時,許多投資者現在依然憎恨的股票,其表現卻比黃金好得太多。2011年9月22日至今,標准普爾500指數上漲了25%,而SPDR Gold Shares ETF(GLD)卻下跌了3%。









Tocqueville Gold Fund(TGLDX)聯席經理人之一格羅(Doug Groh)評論道:“世界各國的貨幣政策正在催促投資者尋找他們當前持有貨幣的替代品。”







黃金礦業類股的表現一直落後黃金本身,黃金投資的普及,尤其是最大的黃金ETF之一SPDR Gold Trust“已經使得人人可以持有黃金”,這樣就削弱了礦業公司股票在散戶和機構投資者眼中的魅力。





作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-12 00:23

作者: aFei    时间: 2012-12-12 19:41

作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-17 22:39

Thanks moderator!!!
作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-17 22:41

为何黄金涨不起来? 朝鲜卖黄金造卫星?
送交者: 道友 2012年12月14日17:31:16

Mystery Hit and Run Asian Gold Seller Strikes Again, Large Speculative Positions in Silver Rise, Morgan Stanley Names Gold and Silver As Top 2013 Commodities Picks, Safe Haven Buying in Silver Re-Emerges.

Mystery Hit and Run Asian Gold Seller Strikes AgainSilver suffered another setback the week that ended Friday, December 7th. The good news for silver investors is that in this second consecutive weekly drop, it only declined about one percent over the previous week’s final price to close last Friday at $33.09.

Silver once again became a hostage to gold this week as the mystery seller from the prior week returned with a vengeance. Besides this hit and run incident that seriously impacted the white metal, silver saw bullish fundamental factors help it to recover by the end of the week. Large speculative positions in silver rose, Morgan Stanley came out with a bullish prognosis for silver, and safe haven buying in silver re-emerged by the end of the week.
Mystery Hit and Run Asian Gold Seller Strikes Again

Spot market silver started the week at $33.74, up about a percent over Friday, November 30th’s close. In Tuesday in the early morning Asian trade session, another sinister hit and run spot metal selling incident occurred in gold markets, as had in the week prior.

While there was very little liquidity and volume in the time when both London and New York spot markets were closed, an Asian seller suddenly appeared and executed heavy sell orders in the yellow metal.

Gold plunged below $1,700 an ounce on the drive by shooting, and silver followed suit as it dropped like a rock below $33 per ounce. The white metal then spent the rest of the week reacting to more positive, bullish sentiment while it gradually worked its way back up to a respectable level by Friday.
Large Speculative Positions in Silver Rise

The latest Commodities and Futures Trading Commission report that came out Friday, November 30th demonstrated that the large speculators had been busy increasing their long positions in not only silver, but also in all of the precious metals complex.

This rise in silver positioning had been demonstrated when silver had jumped to $34.07 as of November 27th. Needless to say, the increased confidence in silver bolstered prices and helped to cushion the blow of the drive by shooting selling in gold early in the week.
Morgan Stanley Names Gold and Silver As Top 2013 Commodities Picks

Silver also received another strong vote of confidence from one of the biggest names in the investment banking business this past week. Morgan Stanley ranked gold and silver as their preferred commodity investments for the coming new year. They anticipate that silver prices will rise dramatically enough to average $35 per ounce for 2013.

As a further compliment to the white metal, Morgan Stanley declared that silver remains a cheap substitute for gold. They expect silver will outperform its big bother gold in the year 2013. This is not only bullish news for silver now, but also on a going forward basis, as the white metal continues to collect impressive endorsements about its price direction and action next year.
Safe Haven Buying in Silver Re-Emerges

What week would be complete without some seesaw rhetoric out of Washington D.C. about the looming fiscal cliff along with discussions about the still ongoing sovereign debt crisis out of Europe? The European Central Bank slashed their forecast for economic growth in the EU from stagnant to a slight decline at their monthly meeting this past week.

This provided new safe haven demand in both gold and silver as the Euro tanked, and it also helped to flush out some of the short sellers in silver too. Announcements that still no progress has been reached in the fiscal cliff saga in Washington also helped bolster silver prices to end the week back over $33 per ounce.
Take Away On Silver Market Prices

While silver has led gold in advances much of the year, the white metal can still be taken hostage by severe gold price drops. This is exactly what happened for the week that ended December 7th. Most of the fundamental news for silver proved bullish this week, but the drive by shooting sell-off in gold early Tuesday morning simply did too much damage for silver to recover to its previous highs of the week.

The good news for those who are long silver is that the precious metal held its $32.50 major support line that it needs to stay above in order to continue its recent bullish recovery. Major resistance currently lies lurking at $34.49. Silver will have to smash through this convincingly to break out of its recent $32.50 to $34.50 range.
作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-17 22:58

The Gold/Silver Stock List
作者: Nage    时间: 2012-12-18 01:11

like this kind of serious discussion !
作者: Nage    时间: 2012-12-18 01:13

want give you some money, but I do not know how

so money saved for me
作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-25 19:57


Eric Sprott 是加拿大上市公司Sprott资产管理公司的创始人、首席执行官和投资经理,有超过40年的投资经验,被认为是加拿大最优秀的投资经理人之 一。加拿大是世界资源类投资最集中的市场,他的公司在过去几年推出的实物黄金(PHYS)和白银信托(PSLV)产品都在美国和加拿大市场上取得了巨大成 功。Sprott 本人也成为白银投资最著名的支持者之一,认为白银是未来十年最好的投资。

接下来,让我们看看白银多头 Sprott 的说法:


作为贵金属投资的长期学徒,我们对某些特定的规则非常了解。其中之一就是,从历史上看,白银对黄金的可得率(availability ratio)对两种金属的价格有着直接影响。当前投资用实物白银对黄金的可得率大约在3:1。那么,为何投资者投资白银的比率要比这高的多呢?这些“精明的”投资者理解了什么呢?让我们看看相关的数据再决定是否要追随“资金的脚步”。

黄金的平均年产量大约8000万盎司,加上年均估计约5000万盎司的回收黄金量,合计每年的可以购买的黄金大约1.3亿盎 司。相比之下,白银的年均产量大约在7.5亿盎司,回收白银的量估计在2.5亿盎司/年,加起来大约10亿盎司。通过这组数据,我们可以看到,可以购买的 白银数量大约是黄金的8倍。然而,由于这两种金属的工业用途,并非所有的黄金和白银都被用于投资。据估计,用于投资目的(珠宝、金/银条和金/银币)的黄 金每年大约在1.2亿盎司,而白银则为3.5亿盎司。因此,实物白银对黄金的可得率大约是350/120,约为3/1。(1)

现在,让我们来看看投资者是如何在黄金和白银之间分配资金的。下表的数据来自于美国铸币局(US Mint),单位为盎司:



我们也可以通过Sprott旗下的实物黄金和实物白银信托的近期发行数据来看一下。Sprott最近一次发行的实物黄金信托在2012年9月 份,筹资3.93亿美元;最近一次发行的实物白银信托筹资3.1亿美元。考虑到发行信托时两种金属的价格,我们可以购买2.13万盎司的黄金和910万盎 司的白银。两者之间的比例达到43:1。



Mineweb 上最近的一个新闻的标题是“在印度,白银销售超过了黄金(2)”,这篇报道援引一位贸易商的话表示“最近投资者和珠宝玩家偏爱白 银珠宝。”作为全球最大的黄金进口国,印度不太可能购买与黄金等量的白银,因为这意味着要购买超过10亿盎司,这超过了当前的年均产量。

尽管上述最后两个对白银需求的描述只是传闻,但来自美国铸币局、ETF 和实物信托的数据是可靠的。

就目前来看,白银价格基本上是由纸白银市场决定的,COMEX的日均交易量大约在3亿盎司。相比于日均2百万盎司的白银产量,这一数字是惊人 的。正如CFTC委员Bart Chilton在2010年10月26日所说的,“我相信白银市场的价格受到某些影响。白银的价格被操纵。就我所知和在公开文件中所见到的,我相信在白银 市场存在违反商品交易方案的行为发生,而任何此类违法行为都应被起诉(3)。”



当两种金属的投资可得率只有3:1时,投资者以当前速度购买白银的持续时间能有多久呢?我们对于银价对金价的比率仍然维持在如此低水平感到惊 讶。从历史上看,当两种金属都作为货币使用时,黄金与白银的价格比为16:1。如今,这一比率为55:1,那么这一数据告诉我们什么呢?我们相信追随资金 的脚步是正确的。

P.S.美国铸币局的银鹰币(Silver Eagle Bullion Coins)脱销了,直到2013年1月7日。


(1)黄金数据来自WGC,白银数据来自Silver Institute;
(4)黄金数据来自于WGC,黄金数据来自USGS和Silver Institute。

图片附件: 1.jpg (2012-12-25 19:54, 25.5 KB) / 下载次数 30

作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-25 19:58


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作者: wsjboy    时间: 2012-12-27 23:46


图片附件: 1.jpg (2012-12-27 23:46, 54.58 KB) / 下载次数 24

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