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标题: 香港2名女子遭砍杀 凶手系英国人剑桥毕业 [打印本页]

作者: alchemy    时间: 2014-11-3 11:53     标题: 香港2名女子遭砍杀 凶手系英国人剑桥毕业

本帖最后由 alchemy 于 2014-11-4 15:51 编辑

‘I’m going to have fun’ – last words of Hong Kong murder victim to friends
reprint from The Telegraph

Jesse Lorena told friends she was "going to have fun” as she went out to a Hong Kong Halloween party last Friday. Hours later she was dead

Police are seen at the apartment of Rurik Jutting (AFP/Getty Images)

The Dutch DJ said he did not see Ms Lorena again after their brief conversation last Friday night.
Police had shown him an image taken later that night by a nearby security camera that showed her walking with a man he had identified as Mr Jutting, he added. “They were not walking hand in hand. They were a little bit separate.”

Rurik Jutting arrives at court in Hong Kong (AFP/Getty Images)

Ms Lorena was a regular face at the pubs and shops in and around the Wan Chai red light district, several locals said.
Mr van den Bosch, whose ex-girlfriend was close friends with the murdered woman, disputed media descriptions of Ms Lorena as a “sex worker”.
Ms Lorena had been sending money back to Indonesia where she was building a house, he added.
“I think her dream was just to find a better life. The terrible thing is that her house in Indonesia was just finished and she said she would leave Hong Kong and go back to Indonesia to enjoy life. She said, ‘Soon I will leave.’ She was happy about it.”

The Dutch DJ said he did not see Ms Lorena again after their brief conversation last Friday night.
Police had shown him an image taken later that night by a nearby security camera that showed her walking with a man he had identified as Mr Jutting, he added. “They were not walking hand in hand. They were a little bit separate.”
作者: 我说我说    时间: 2014-11-3 13:27

too bad too bad
作者: 冰沫尘纷    时间: 2014-11-3 13:45

Local news added for reference

香港于万圣节夜晚惊爆一起连环凶杀案,涉案人士为一名29岁英籍男子Rurik Jutting,不仅毕业于英国剑桥大学还取得硕士,任职于银行高层,看似人生胜利组的人生背后竟隐藏如此凶残的心灵。

根据英国广播公司(BBC)报导,Rurik Jutting曾在英国巴克莱银行任职,之后在一间美资投资银行担任高层,去年7月调派香港。报导指出,就在万圣节时,香港警方接获报案,疑似Rurik Jutting在犯案后,意识迷糊下自行报案。

港警接获消息赶抵现场发现,Rurik Jutting的湾仔公寓大楼,有一位年约30岁的菲律宾籍女子全裸在客厅,其脸部血肉模糊、喉咙遭割破流血致死,另外,在阳台行李箱还有一名25岁的印尼籍女尸。

据悉,两名受害者均为妓女,而嫌疑人Rurik Jutting染有毒瘾,约在万圣节5日前先结识了印尼籍妓女,将其杀害后藏尸在公寓,万圣节当天再度出门猎艳,带回家下毒手。港警指出,犯案后Rurik Jutting替2名女尸拍下上千张的裸照,手段相当骇人。另外,Rurik Jutting被逮后,拒绝警方讯问,并不断用英文重复这句话「你自己去查!」目前港警正全力调查这起案件,厘清案情。
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