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[读书学习] 提问: 关于options exercise

那个,各位大大,我买了点死皮141call, 如果到了141是不是就要卖阿?还是等它更高exercise?那样我是不是要保证手里cash能买下我contract约定的股数呢?

第二,141的call到了141才可以exercise但不是必須exercise,你 ...
kami2008 发表于 2012-8-25 04:04

多谢Kami sama!俺决定近期还是想办法搞股票。下次不敢托大••••••
Several issues. here are simple answers. For more details, you might need to read more tex ...
silicon_beaver 发表于 2012-8-25 03:28

第三,141 call option 到了141以上才有intrinsic value 另外在expire 之前還有time value, time value在market value 离exercise price 越近時越大越遠越小
第四,option expire 時如果還有內在价值broker 會自動幫你結算好給你,其它時候你隨時都可以賣出
那个,各位大大,我买了点死皮141call, 如果到了141是不是就要卖阿?还是等它更高exercise?那样我是不是要 ...
victor101 发表于 2012-8-24 08:26

    Several issues. here are simple answers. For more details, you might need to read more textbooks   

1. Statistically, 99% of options buyers end with losing $$$.
So it' not a game for 99% people.
2. options intrinsic value and time value. 99% of case, time is not at your side, even you are in right direction.
3. If you do in correction direction, options could make 5x; ES 3x; stocks seldom double, per estimate.

ES is a much better vehicle. So if you don't want to be the 99% people, consider stock first; or ES (good liquidation, no time decay), or currencies.

Option是没有办法的办法 (酷码老大语)。If you have anyway, don't go this way.

btw, 酷码老大是骨灰级玩家 on Options. You can listen to his advice.
NND, chinese typing software disappeared again.

Thanks for your suggestions, that helps a lot
9月的,卖了,昨天 买的抢反弹嘿嘿,就一点。因为不太懂,也没敢多买。就是对exercise不太懂感觉要那样能赚 ...
victor101 发表于 2012-8-24 12:05

9月的,卖了,昨天 买的抢反弹嘿嘿,就一点。因为不太懂,也没敢多买。就是对exercise不太懂感觉要那样能赚更多似的,所以问问。多谢了阿
本帖最后由 tfmegatron 于 2012-8-24 11:53 编辑
威哥,是不是问题太次,莫掉汗,俺头一回做option trade,没太搞明白,嘿嘿,不好意思啊。

听aimei的,走 ...
victor101 发表于 2012-8-24 11:41

几月的141 CALL? my suggestion is that don't touch options if you are a newbie
威哥,是不是问题太次,莫掉汗,俺头一回做option trade,没太搞明白,嘿嘿,不好意思啊。

那个,各位大大,我买了点死皮141call, 如果到了141是不是就要卖阿?还是等它更高exercise?那样我是不是要 ...
victor101 发表于 2012-8-24 11:26
