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[放炮] 哈哈哈,选凹八的牛牛们被煽了大嘴巴

I told you already.

为了抗日,请大家抵制日货,抵制 iPhone 5 http://www.yayabay.com/forum/thread-218342-1-3.html
回复  CoolMax

做牛容易赚钱...and can be mentally positive
fighton 发表于 2012-11-7 14:44

Positive 和 negative 都是相对的。

俺还说你们牛牛支持大手大脚花钱的凹八是 negative 呢。傻子都知道经济不好,而你们看牛才是 DN 呢。

为了抗日,请大家抵制日货,抵制 iPhone 5 http://www.yayabay.com/forum/thread-218342-1-3.html
回复 13# Nage

回复 12# CoolMax

做牛容易赚钱...and can be mentally positive
thendara 发表于 2012-11-7 13:48

so if you believe in God, you should believe in Obama...
God already sent Sandy to rescue Obama, and USA as well...
回复  cellphone

Hi brother, as a christian, you should not curse Obama"一个出生破碎家庭...唯一高 ...
fighton 发表于 2012-11-7 14:08

回复  cellphone

Hi brother, as a christian, you should not curse Obama"一个出生破碎家庭...唯一高 ...
fighton 发表于 2012-11-7 14:08

Agree with you, 手机's view 最近非常Negative。
回复 9# CoolMax

I think downside risk of goog, appl should be small....
wait for SPY 200MA to load....
回复 1# cellphone

Hi brother, as a christian, you should not curse Obama"一个出生破碎家庭...唯一高兴的,是来自黑非洲的族裔", maybe it is God's pick?.  You know what I mean. Christian donot blame others by your standard. As for his presidency, his performance is not proved, but it is better to have him continue for another four years instead of a big change under the current econ circumstance.  On the other side, is Romney better? Only God knows.
本帖最后由 CoolMax 于 2012-11-7 13:40 编辑


So far, ES赚了60+点。 1/6仓位。昨天止盈了。

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